Mama: We hope that you are getting our pictures we are sending you. We like reading your letters every day and always look forward to the next day's letter. Most of all, we are looking forward to Sunday when you come home. We love you. Kane and Cole
Cole can read his letters from Mama just like Kane. It makes him smile.

Kane loves to read. He uses his letters for part of his reading at night.

Dad is getting us up early, but we can still smile about it.
(Actually, this picture is taken right after Cole beat his brother repeatedly with his bunny. Its amazing how a tootsie roll can change your whole attitude and make anyone smile...even at 6:30 a.m.)
2 comments: perky for 630...good boys!
I'm at a loss for words. TWO posts in TWO days! OMG! You seem to be onto something here!
I might be persuaded with a BAG of tootsie rolls...
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