Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween!

The boys had a fantastic Halloween! Their costumes seemed especially appropriate this year as they fit their personalities to a tee! Kane was an Iron Chef. He loves Iron Chef America and dreams of becoming a chef one day. For those of you that know Kane, this is somewhat humorous considering his lack of tolerance for any type of meat. No matter, he will be a fabulous vegetarian and pastry chef someday and I can't wait to try all his dishes! Cole was a boxer this year. Again, very telling of his personality. He has tons of energy and although he is little, he feels like a giant and is always ready to take on the world!

1 comment:

Megan's Munchkins said...

I dont know which one is CUTER!! Both are perfect "costumes"...although in their case it could be everyday attire ;). C-U-T-E!
AANNNNDDDD I wont comment on how surprised I am that you blogged. I am just happy you did, I know how busy you are!